Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
C4T # 4
I chose to continue following Two Writing Teachers again because I have loved and learned so much from their posts.
#1 Revision Decisions
In this post the book Revision Decisions is summarized to how a teacher helped a student understand a narrative writing and gave them several different ways to approach his writing so that he can succeed with his future writings. Along with everything posted in this blog, it was very helpful for my future teaching career and that is exactly what I told them. I will also be purchasing this book for future reference and help in my future classroom.
#2 Flash Draft
This post tells about a teacher who wanted to try something new with her writing students. Too many of them would start a long paper get to the middle then want to start over with a new idea. So she decided that her students would take three ideas and gather as much information as they could about them then decided which idea to go with. She phrased it as "taking three cars for a drive then choosing the best one". I think this is a wonderful idea! As are all the things I find on this blog.
#1 Revision Decisions
In this post the book Revision Decisions is summarized to how a teacher helped a student understand a narrative writing and gave them several different ways to approach his writing so that he can succeed with his future writings. Along with everything posted in this blog, it was very helpful for my future teaching career and that is exactly what I told them. I will also be purchasing this book for future reference and help in my future classroom.
#2 Flash Draft
This post tells about a teacher who wanted to try something new with her writing students. Too many of them would start a long paper get to the middle then want to start over with a new idea. So she decided that her students would take three ideas and gather as much information as they could about them then decided which idea to go with. She phrased it as "taking three cars for a drive then choosing the best one". I think this is a wonderful idea! As are all the things I find on this blog.
Blog Assignment #5 Part B
What are PLN's?
Personal Learning Networks are a place for educators to turn to if they need help or guidance. I have personally really enjoyed using Symbaloo and my PLN. I have all of the websites and blogs that I follow and use on little tabs on my Symbaloo page. They make it easy to get just what I need in a simple click. I use my Symbaloo page everyday and plan on using it when I am a teacher in my future classroom.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Blog Assignment #14
Teaching Can Be A Profession by Joel Klein
In the article Teaching Our Children Can Be A Profession, Joel Klein gives many wonderful examples of things that could be enhanced in the educational system. The most important of these issues have to do with teachers themselves. The way the workforce for teachers works, and has worked for as long as I can remember, is strictly by seniority and not by qualifications. This leaves for the newer hires to get the boot when there is a budget cut or other type of issue. The point that Mr. Klein makes is that we should start picking from the best, whether that be teachers with seniority or some of the newbies like I will be in a few years. In order to asses the skills of the teachers, they would be assessed with a "teachers examination". The newer teachers would be evaluated op for over a 3 year span. I agree with Joel on the changes that need to be made in order for our school systems to take the first steps to becoming a Profession.
Project #6 C4K #3
C4K #8 Tatum's Blog
Tatum's blog post was explaining the life cycle of a frog. It had an amazing picture of the life cycle. I told Tatum that he had a great blog post and that the chosen picture was a great choice.
C4K #9 Ben's Blog
Ben's blog post was about his 100 year portrait. He said that he would like to continue playing football over the next few years. I told him that I loved his dedication to the sport and that he wrote a great post.
C4K #11 Megan's Blog
Megan wrote about how it's alread a quarter into the school year and how fast it has flown by. She also used a variety of vocabulary. I told Megan that it's funny how quickly time goes by and also complimented her on her wonderful use of vocabulary.
Tatum's blog post was explaining the life cycle of a frog. It had an amazing picture of the life cycle. I told Tatum that he had a great blog post and that the chosen picture was a great choice.
C4K #9 Ben's Blog
Ben's blog post was about his 100 year portrait. He said that he would like to continue playing football over the next few years. I told him that I loved his dedication to the sport and that he wrote a great post.
C4K #11 Megan's Blog
Megan wrote about how it's alread a quarter into the school year and how fast it has flown by. She also used a variety of vocabulary. I told Megan that it's funny how quickly time goes by and also complimented her on her wonderful use of vocabulary.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Blog Assignment #13
As a teacher how would you introduce technological tools in your classroom?
Prepare a lesson plan on the introduction of some technological tools in your classroom. List which tools you will use and how you will teach them depending on the grade you plan on teaching. Each age group learns differently so think about the best way to approach it. You will have students that may already be familiar with the use of some of these tool, but you will also have students who have never had the opportunity. As a teacher you must know how to adapt to your students needs.
Watch Emerging Trends in Education
Watch Teaching Kids to use blogs and photoshop
Find your own tools you would like to use and embed a YouTube video that you found that helps teach children how to use them. Explain in your post.
Everybody wants that dream Kindergarten job, and I'm included in that everybody. Some tools that I would bring and teach to a kindergarten class would of course be the iPad. My dream is to work in one of the Baldwin county school and they already have incorporated their kindergarten students in using iPads in the classroom. However I know that not all students, before entering the school system, have used iPads before. So each week we would use a new app and at the first of the week I would break down how to maneuver through the app then leave them to explore. I would give them assignments to create, like in the video Teaching Kids to use blogs and photoshop, where they could create an animal that lived in a forest or on a farm. Each week we would learn to work a new app; poplet, icurio, ext. they would also continue to use the tools learned from previous weeks.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Blog Assignment #11
What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?
Blended Learning Cycle Paul Anderson uses this cycle to mix different learning styles to help his classroom learn. The steps are questions, investigation/inquiry, video, elaboration, review, and summary quiz. With this blended learning cycle you as the teacher can get as creative as you want. Mr. Anderson even said he styled it like a video game at one point.
Learning is Messy Brian Crosby shares a videos about the students in his classroom and
compares how they started off at the beginning of the year and how they progressed throughout the year. I loved his message in this video because it showed that if you try and really work with struggling students, then you can truly change their life around. He did many PBL projects with his students which help their overall learning.
Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchhart is a book about changing the way we teach and learn in the classroom. He writes about how he would like to see schools stop basing intelligence off of test scores and instead base the intellectual development off of how a child plans, creates, thinks, and can actually be engaging with other students while they are learning. I have always thought that test scores never show the true potential of a person. I plan on using this idea of Ron in my classroom to see how my future students learn best and to check and see if they are grasping the concepts.
Sam Pane 4th Grade builds a comic that is fun for the kids, but also a great learning experience as they talk about safety. I like this activity because the students are not only doing something that is fun and intriguing, but also learning quite a bit about making comics and writing along with many other things.
Project Based Learning shows a school that does not focus on one subject particularly, but in fact on multiple ones. They are also using project based learning to create projects involving these multiple subjects. I like this idea because they are getting, what I think, a well rounded education on the difference of subjects instead of having a big focus on certain ones.
Roosevelt Elementary PBL program really just sums up how I want to teach my future students. I am going for elementary education and hope that I will get the opportunity to get to use many of the ideas all of these videos showed.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Project #4 C4T #3
Two Writing Teachers
#1 The Share Time
So this blog post I recommend to everyone, especially if teaching students to read and write is important to you, which is should be. So in this blog the author is giving out some wonderful tips to try on a classroom for when your students are writing and sharing their writing. I told her how grateful I was for the tips and I'm not going to spoil any of them. Go check it out!
#2 Work Smarter
Once again this blog is blowing me away! In this post we are told some great tips on grading students papers. I plan on using these 7 tips for my students. Here they are 1.Turn off all noise. 2. Skim through entire pile. 3. Use rubric or checklist. 4. Be sure to give positive comments. 5. Go digital.
6. Plan instruction based on variety of papers. 7. Minimal marks for spelling. I commented saying thanks for the awesome tips!
#1 The Share Time
So this blog post I recommend to everyone, especially if teaching students to read and write is important to you, which is should be. So in this blog the author is giving out some wonderful tips to try on a classroom for when your students are writing and sharing their writing. I told her how grateful I was for the tips and I'm not going to spoil any of them. Go check it out!
#2 Work Smarter
Once again this blog is blowing me away! In this post we are told some great tips on grading students papers. I plan on using these 7 tips for my students. Here they are 1.Turn off all noise. 2. Skim through entire pile. 3. Use rubric or checklist. 4. Be sure to give positive comments. 5. Go digital.
6. Plan instruction based on variety of papers. 7. Minimal marks for spelling. I commented saying thanks for the awesome tips!
Project # 6 C4K #2
C4K #4 Pixl's blog
Pixl wrote the most amazing chapter for a book she is working on. It is in the genre of sci-fi, which I love. Click on the link above and read please! I told her how much I loved it and that she should become a writer. I could visualize everything she wrote in this short chapter.
C4K #5 Cylie's Blog
Cylie wrote about some changes she would make to her school. Some of these changes were choosing her own classes and schedule, and even being able to start school later. I replied telling her about her great ideas and that choosing your own schedule would be amazing because you would get to take classes on things you are interested in.
C4K #6 Jenna's Blog
Jenna embedded 2 links to some pictures of a church and some animals at the park. She then described everything see saw. I told her that I was amazed about her linking the pictures and enjoyed her descriptions of them.
C4K #7 Sulieti's blog
Sulieti posted a blog about her trip to the museum about the Maori. At the museum they learned about the different foods and some new words. I told Sulieti that it sounded like the museum was fun and said how much I love museums myself.
Pixl wrote the most amazing chapter for a book she is working on. It is in the genre of sci-fi, which I love. Click on the link above and read please! I told her how much I loved it and that she should become a writer. I could visualize everything she wrote in this short chapter.
C4K #5 Cylie's Blog
Cylie wrote about some changes she would make to her school. Some of these changes were choosing her own classes and schedule, and even being able to start school later. I replied telling her about her great ideas and that choosing your own schedule would be amazing because you would get to take classes on things you are interested in.
C4K #6 Jenna's Blog
Jenna embedded 2 links to some pictures of a church and some animals at the park. She then described everything see saw. I told her that I was amazed about her linking the pictures and enjoyed her descriptions of them.
C4K #7 Sulieti's blog
Sulieti posted a blog about her trip to the museum about the Maori. At the museum they learned about the different foods and some new words. I told Sulieti that it sounded like the museum was fun and said how much I love museums myself.
Blog Assignment #10
What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?
Interview with Mrs. Cassidy part 1.
Interview with Mrs. Cassidy part 2
Interview with Mrs. Cassidy part 3
There are many things to learn from Mrs. Cassidy. First, I want to express my admiration for how she brought technology into the classroom. I noticed that this was in 2010. Well I graduated from high school in 2009 and we were doing nothing even close to what these 1st graders were doing in her classroom. I hope to be at a school where my students will have access to their own laptops to use in the classroom and at home. This way I can get them to practice many of the things that Mrs. Cassidy had her students doing in her classroom. I hope that when I become a teacher I can incorporate blogging in my lesson plan while teaching my elementary students reading and writing along with many other necessary skills that they will need even at an early age. Another technological learning tool she had for her classroom was a webpage with links to educational games that her students had access to. I think this is a great idea, especially because most of the children I know, even younger than kindergarten, always have some kind of high tech device in their hands and are playing some game. This learning activity helps to spark their interest in education.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Blog Assignment #9
What can Teachers and Students teach us about Project Based Learning?
In the video Project Based Learning for Teachers, by Tony Vincent, we are given a very helpful overview of what project based learning is. To incorporate PBL in the classroom, we must make a project with a purpose. This means not only must it grow knowledge, but it must mean something to the students. The students must address an audience to show what they learned or, better yet, teach other what they have learned. A driving question must be included, which is the question that their project is answering. Learning standards need to be identified as well so that you can be sure to stay with the subject matter. Students need to be grouped together and brainstorm about whir project. Rubrics need to be used for evaluation. Deadlines must be met and students must focus on the process. And at the end projects need to be reviewed so that they may be refined if needed.
Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning is a wonderful list to help a teacher put together a project for PBL. It states that "every good project needs a need to know, a driving question, students voice and choice, 21st century skills, inquiry and innovation, feedback and revision, and must be publicly presented." A need to know is chosen by the subject of the classroom and the level of the students. A good driving question is one that portrays the main point of the project and focuses on solving a problem. Students get to pick how they are going to do their project along with learning 21st century skills like communication, critical thinking, and the use of technology.
What Motivates Students is letting them have a choice in what they learn and how they learn. This helps get them involved and interested in learning. Letting students share what they have learned about helps to give them a sense of importance. Being grouped together also will help motivate students because they get to share ideas and keep each other focused and on task.
Ten Sights Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration has 10 sights that seem to be pretty helpful. A few of these sights we use in this class. Titan pad and Google docs works a lot alike. They both are sights for storing and sharing documents. All Wisher and Corkboardme are very similar to padlet, the program we use in this classroom to do collaborative work. Today's meet and Skype are places "where students and teachers can meet and see only what needs to be seen".
Wing Project:Crafting a Driving Question is a video that is explaining how to create a good driving question while also showing a group of teachers in the process of creating a driving question. I enjoyed watching the teachers brainstom over what question would work best for their project. its nice to see teachers doing this for a project instead of just the students! This helps make the projects fun and enjoyable and also helps teachers and students apply the learning standards to their projects.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Implications and Teaching Opportunities in Technology and Learning

Most people have a smart phone with them at all times. This means not only students, but teachers as well. Many of us use the camera on the smart phone almost everyday!
Since we already have access to the technology, wouldn't these smart phones be a great asset to our learners in the educational field? They have many uses that we can take and put in the classroom. These uses can be from taking pictures for assignments to using search engines for gathering information for these projects.
Part B
In my classroom I would have my students use their smart phones as a learning tool. Of course, there would be a set of regulations for using them for purposes other than education, but that's not what this is about. I would encourage my students to use their smart phones for many different situations in the classroom. As stated before, taking pictures and gathering information for assignment would be some of the actions I would have my students do. They could also use the to create videos and even other types of presentations because of the many applications they smart phones give them access to. There are many attributes that using a smart phone for education could bring to the classroom.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Blog Assignment #8
What Can We Learn About Teaching And Learning From Randy Pausch?
Randy's Last Lecture
In Randy Pausch's tear jerking last lecture, I gained quite a bit of wonderful advice on how to become not only a teacher, but also an excellent learner. Randy is a professor as Carnegie Mellon and has cancerous rumors in his liver. However, this last lecture did not focus on the downside of this event, but rather how to lead your life. He starts off by talking about his childhood dreams and how, even though they were from his childhood, they are very important. They are the motivators for your future. These dreams lead you to learn lessons that help you to constantly grow. Getting the fundamentals down is the first step to accomplishing these dreams.
There are many things I learned from Randy's last lecture. My favorite was that experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. This ties in with another point he state about conquering brick walks. Brick walls are not there to keep you out, they are there to make you show how much you really want it. It takes time to make things happen and everything that will go wrong can go wrong.
We all know that the best way to learn is by having fun. This is one of the points that Randy really stresses. Following along with never losing the child-like wonder. These two things go hand and hand. Using that child-like wonder helps the teacher and students find ways to learn while also having fun!
Randy's Last Lecture
In Randy Pausch's tear jerking last lecture, I gained quite a bit of wonderful advice on how to become not only a teacher, but also an excellent learner. Randy is a professor as Carnegie Mellon and has cancerous rumors in his liver. However, this last lecture did not focus on the downside of this event, but rather how to lead your life. He starts off by talking about his childhood dreams and how, even though they were from his childhood, they are very important. They are the motivators for your future. These dreams lead you to learn lessons that help you to constantly grow. Getting the fundamentals down is the first step to accomplishing these dreams.
There are many things I learned from Randy's last lecture. My favorite was that experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. This ties in with another point he state about conquering brick walks. Brick walls are not there to keep you out, they are there to make you show how much you really want it. It takes time to make things happen and everything that will go wrong can go wrong.
We all know that the best way to learn is by having fun. This is one of the points that Randy really stresses. Following along with never losing the child-like wonder. These two things go hand and hand. Using that child-like wonder helps the teacher and students find ways to learn while also having fun!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Project #4 C4T #2
C4T Post #1 :Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment Part 2
In this post the blogger Lily Jones is recognizing David Olio for his analysis-rich classroom that he has created. Videos that she posted to this blog show how Mr. Olio uses collaborating in his classroom and how it creates such a great classroom work environment. I commented that I enjoyed her post very much. I think that Mr. Olio's collaborative learning environment is one that all teachers should be working to have.
C4T Post #2: How We Learn
In this post teacher Julia Chope is talking about their fall book club and the book they have chosen to read. "How we Read" is written by a science reporter named Benedict Carey. He works for The New York Times. The book is about research on how "distractions, repetition, sleep, and even study locations" have an alarming affect on how people take in information. I commented saying that this book looks like a wonderful read and plan on reading it myself. I think everyone can agree that we could all use some help when it comes to learning new information.
In this post the blogger Lily Jones is recognizing David Olio for his analysis-rich classroom that he has created. Videos that she posted to this blog show how Mr. Olio uses collaborating in his classroom and how it creates such a great classroom work environment. I commented that I enjoyed her post very much. I think that Mr. Olio's collaborative learning environment is one that all teachers should be working to have.
C4T Post #2: How We Learn
In this post teacher Julia Chope is talking about their fall book club and the book they have chosen to read. "How we Read" is written by a science reporter named Benedict Carey. He works for The New York Times. The book is about research on how "distractions, repetition, sleep, and even study locations" have an alarming affect on how people take in information. I commented saying that this book looks like a wonderful read and plan on reading it myself. I think everyone can agree that we could all use some help when it comes to learning new information.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Blog Assignment #7
How do we all become learners?
To start off I would like to say all of these videos have given me great ideas for my future classroom. I plan on using basically all of the tools that I will soon describe in this post. I never actually realized how much elementary age students in this area were using all of the tools accessible on their iPads/MacBooks.
How To Make An Audio QR Code teaches you how to create a QR code and also to make it an audio recording. I have never worked with QR codes before, but after watching this video I decided to play around with them. I found that they are quite handy. I plan on using them in my classroom for my students to use and learn from.
In the video about iPad Centers Mrs. Tuck shows how she uses the iPad with her students to record themselves reading. After they record themselves, they review the video and follow along in the book to check for any mistakes. This is a wonderful way for students to self-correct themselves. I definitely plan on using this in my classroom to help teach my future students to read and correct their own errors so that they can become better readers!
Poplets as a Center is another video Mrs. Tuck has that shows how to create Poplets. Poplets is an app where children can design a web for whatever subject matter that is being covered. They can add picture and their own words. Poplets are a great tool for the elementary school age to learn with. I plan on using this app for my future class to help them learn to group different criteria together, whether is be letters or words.
Mrs. Tuck also lets her students have an Alabama Virtual Library Center. In this center her class gets to use the AVL to search for different books for their reading level. On the AVL the students can find their books and even have the books read to them. This gives the child access to read along and helps them learn new words and pronunciation.
Mrs. Shirley's first grade class shows us how to create a Board For PBL. These boards can have pictures and words explaining the criteria that the student chooses. In this video the teacher and the student are both teaching the viewer how to work the board in the DE. I think it is wonderful that not only the teacher is teaching, but also the student! You can tell that a child fully understands the content when they are able to do this.
Mrs. Tassin's second grade Students Sharing Board Builders and Students Sharing Board Builders #2 demonstrates the students sharing the information that they found and created for their board. This gives the students an opportunity to teach their fellow students and even their teachers about the subject of their choice.
iMovie and AVL and We All Become Learners taught me that their are many great technological tools that our elementary age students are using in today's world. These technological changes are causing students to not only practice more Project Based Learning but be teachers as well. The students are being the teachers which is causing the teachers to become the students. While watching all of these videos, I became to learner. I now completely understand how everyone becomes a learner and plan on taking this information with me when I graduate.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Project #6 C4K #1
C4K # 1 My Film Fest Parts: first blog post from me to Lukis
Lukis shared about his excitement about his role in a movie his class is about to make. He will be Kung Lao from Mortal Kombat. I told him about how I love Mortal Kombat and watched the movies and played the games when I was younger. I'm super excited to hear more about his role!
CK4 # 2 Word of the Day: post from me to Pixl
Pixl wrote about the word euphoria. She stated what it meant and why she liked it. I told her that euphoria was a wonderful word of the day and that it was indeed interesting and beautiful!
C4K # 3 Caleb's Blog post
Caleb told an interesting story about a mutant crocodile that got away from the zoo. I told him that his story was very well written and entertaining. Also that his description of the scary crocodile was great!
Lukis shared about his excitement about his role in a movie his class is about to make. He will be Kung Lao from Mortal Kombat. I told him about how I love Mortal Kombat and watched the movies and played the games when I was younger. I'm super excited to hear more about his role!
CK4 # 2 Word of the Day: post from me to Pixl
Pixl wrote about the word euphoria. She stated what it meant and why she liked it. I told her that euphoria was a wonderful word of the day and that it was indeed interesting and beautiful!
C4K # 3 Caleb's Blog post
Caleb told an interesting story about a mutant crocodile that got away from the zoo. I told him that his story was very well written and entertaining. Also that his description of the scary crocodile was great!
Blog Post # 6
What did you learn from these conversations with Anthony Capps.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching all of the Anthony Capps Videos. Both Project Based Learning Part 1 and Project Based Learning Part 2 were very helpfull for what I plan on doing when I become a teacher. I love how he was using PBL in his classroom and giving the students choices in their projects. This is truly what causes the spark in creativity. Also, when he said he used art as like a bonus for when the children were doing movies. The students had to write an essay about why a certain part was the most important and then they could draw a picture for the part.
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Discovery Education helps schools get ahead on the digital world so that they can teach their students. It gives access to e books for the schools and their students.
Don't teach tech. Use it I completely agree with this video. The best way to learn anything is by actually doing it. "Practice what you preach" is a slogan I have always lived by and as a teacher you surely much take this to heart.
In Additional Thoughts, when Mr. Capps said that you need to plan out your lessons in layers, it really caught my attention. You have to think of how all of the pieces fit together in order for everything to play out.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Blog Assignment #5 Part #1
PLNs What are they?
Personal Learning Networks are a place where you can go to find sources and information about whatever it is you are in need for to learn. They supply a search for you of people and tools to find what you need.
PLNs will help me as a teacher because they save all the information to one easily accessible screen for me to use. It helps for better organization having pretty much everything you need at the click of a button. Plus you can find other teachers who are trying the same things as you in your classroom and figure out what works best and compare or work together to make the classroom a better learning area.
PLNs are formed depending on the types of sources or information you seek. This builds up your personal learning network that is specified on what you want and need.
For my personal learning network, I am using Symbaloo. I like the way it is layed out like a iPhone or iPad with different "apps" to click on. So far I have added blogger, google docs, and many other tools we use in this EDM 310 class. I plan on adding other tiles to help with my other classes as well as for the future when I am a teacher.
The first additions to my PNL will be the first teacher's blog for my C4T project, along with any other teachers I will be following. I plan on adding the children I follow for my C4K project as well because I feel that their posts will help me assess my future students.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Project #15
Search Engines Review
- Wolfram Alpha- this is a wonderful search engine for all those subjects you struggle with. It gives you the information you need at just a click. It's like an online tutor.
- FreeBookSearch- This one I love! Search for any book, from anytime and by anyone, and, as far as I've seen, it has it!
- ChaCha- I have always been an avid ChaCha user. But for some reason it never clicked in my head that is was a search engine. I used to have it on my phone labeled as "God". I know horrible joke. So I changed it. Anyways, it really has the answer to literally everything.
- WebMD- Because nowadays everyone is a doctor and can diagnose themselves. Just type in your symptoms and "poof" your disease magically appears. However I used this search engine while I was in nursing school and it is actually really accurate.
- Ask.com- You ask a question and everyone on the World Wide Web, of Ask.com to be more exact, can and will answer you. However, the answers may not be what you are looking for.
- Trulia- This is by far my favorite search engine to look for houses for both rent and buy. Even though I do not plan on doing either anytime soon, it is fun to look.
- PriceGrabber- Every shopaholic must look into this one! Pricegrabber compares whatever item you are looking for to so many different sources to find you the best deal.
- JavaScriptSearch- This one is great for this EDM 310 class and for anybody that likes to work in the text code of the world today. JavaScriptSearch helps you to find the code that you need specifically for what you're doing.
Project #4 C4T
C4T #1 Bring Your Own Device
Joe Bower's post is telling about how he just started teaching at a new school. He wants the kids in his class to be able to use their own devices, but only to do their school work. The reason for this is because of all of the access to helpful educational sites they have. They have a set of rules the kids must follow to continue to use their own devices. From what he has witnessed, his students have been using them as asked. Constantly looking up information, downloading reading apps, and even using them to design their portfolios! He states "that he is not naive enough to believe they will always use their devices appropriately, but when it happens he will use it as a teachable moment". I commented saying how I love what he is doing in his classroom. I think it is a wonderful way to really get the kids involved and teach them ways to use their own devices in other ways than just texting, tweeting, and whichever other social outlet is the next big thing. I plan on continuously checking in on this blog to see updates on how it is going.
C4T #2 Too Much Time in School
Joe Bower shared an article by Zander Sherman writer of The Curiosity of School.
In the article Sherman is talking about "educational success" and what it means. To him it is a way the government figures out wealth. If students have good test scores then they are wealthier. The government wants the U.S. Test scores for students to go up and thinks that cutting back holidays and having students spend more time in school would help this. He argues that the amount of time is not what determines test scores, but the amount of money the students family has. To them I commented that I agreed with the fact that "educational success" is not shown by the length of time spent in schools. However I do not believe it is due to the wealth of the student's family. You have students who want to learn and students who don't want to learn. They can come from any kind of background. Students who want to learn will use the time given to do so and those who don't will not. They simply don't care and it doesn't matter if you make them go to school longer. They will never care, unless they are given a reason to.
In the article Sherman is talking about "educational success" and what it means. To him it is a way the government figures out wealth. If students have good test scores then they are wealthier. The government wants the U.S. Test scores for students to go up and thinks that cutting back holidays and having students spend more time in school would help this. He argues that the amount of time is not what determines test scores, but the amount of money the students family has. To them I commented that I agreed with the fact that "educational success" is not shown by the length of time spent in schools. However I do not believe it is due to the wealth of the student's family. You have students who want to learn and students who don't want to learn. They can come from any kind of background. Students who want to learn will use the time given to do so and those who don't will not. They simply don't care and it doesn't matter if you make them go to school longer. They will never care, unless they are given a reason to.
Blog Assignment # 4
- What questions do we ask?
- Try to use open ended questions, nothing that can be simply answered with yes or no. (ABQITC)
- If using a yes or no question follow with more in depth questions. (TRWTAQITC)
- however you can mix it up. (AQTIL)
- How do we ask?
- The whole class then pause for about 5-10 seconds then call on someone. Give them something to think about. Be specific. One question at a time. Wait for response. Never interrupt. Show interest. Lead to stronger answers. (AQTIL)
- preparing, playing, and preserving help ask good questions. (TWTABQITC)
- What do we need to know about asking questions to be an effective teacher?
- As teachers we do not know everything. Observe the classroom to see how the students interact. TPR. Plan questions out. (TRWTAQITC)
- Never interrupt. Wait for response. Show interest. Kept them thinking. If incorrect answer, point this out and ask a question that leads to a stronger answer. Open ended questions lead to clarification. Helps assess. Blooms taxonomy. Always take notes on the way the class responds to questions. (AQTIL)
Asking Questions: What questions do we ask? How do we ask them?
The video Asking Better Questions in the Classroom states that the best way to ask questions is to use an open-ended form. This means to not simply ask a question that can be answered simply with yes or no. The reason behind this is because it takes no thought process to just answer with yes or no. The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom article says that if you are to use a close-ended question, then be sure to follow up with a more in depth question. Asking Questions to Improve Learning believes it is okay to switch up between the close and open-ended questions. I agree that using open-ended questions causes the students to think and that they should be used for the majority of the time, but it's ok to throw in some close-ended questions every now and then.
The way you ask these questions would be to direct the question to the whole class and then pause for about 5-10 seconds to let them think about the question and figure out the answer. Make sure the question gives them something to thing about, but is specific enough so that the students do not get confused. You should only ask one question at a time. Patiently wait for a response and once they respond be sure not to interrupt them. This causes the student to immediately feel rejected and they may shut down. Be sure to show interest in whatever answer they may give you. If the answer is wrong be sure to explain to the class why it is wrong and follow-up with a question that will lead to a stronger response (Asking Questions to Improve Learning). Being prepared before classes, playing with your questions to see which wording gets the best results, and preserving the good questions all help aid a teacher to ask good questions (Three Ways to ask Better Questions In Class).
There are several things you need to know in order to be a good teacher. Most important is that teachers do not know everything. They must be able to learn as well. So keep an open mind. Always observe your class so that you can learn how your students interact to different stimuli. You want to try and use total physical response, which means to try and get the whole class to answer, or at least think about, the question. So be sure to always plan the questions out as previously stated. A great tool to use is Blooms Taxonomy, check it out in the link (The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom). So I repeat, never interrupt your students, always wait for their response, always show interest, and keep them thinking. You need to no how to correct a wrong answer positively. Try to use as many open-ended questions as possible. These lead to clarification and helps you assess the students understanding and thought process. You are a teacher and your life now revolves around your students, so be sure to take notes on everything!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Blog Assignment #3
- A.What is Peer Editing to edit the work of someone your own age, three steps compliment suggestions corrections. Always stay positive.
- B. Peer Editing with Perfection help improve, revise and edit. Compare how you would feel. Start with compliments. Suggestions give specific ideas: word choice, details, organization, sentences, topic. Corrections: spelling, grammar, punctuations, sentence mistakes. Stay positive and be specific.
- C. Writing Peer Review Top Ten Mistakes top ten mistakes pickiness, not caring at all, talking to others about it, rude, loudness, pushy, lack of attention, going through it too fast, defensive, and generalizing.
How can you provide meaningful feedback to your peers?
Peer Editing means to edit someone of your own age's work, whether that be papers, blogs, or other project. All three of the videos/PowerPoint What is Peer Editing, Peer Editing with Perfection, and Writing Peer Review Top Ten Mistakes are very similar. They all describe how peer editing should be done and even go over the 3 steps. These steps are compliment, suggestions, and corrections. All of which should be down with positively and specifically.
To help your peers make their projects even better you must help improve, revise, and edit. Always compare how you would feel if the feedback were to come from someone else. You want to help your peer better themselves with their writing, along with other project, but there is a way to do it without being picky, rude, pushy, mean or any other the other top ten mistakes that are often used in peer review. Always, always be positive with every critique you make towards your peers.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Blog Assignment #2
Outline for What will teaching in the 21st century be like?
Mr. Dancealot video
1.I think the central message is how you teach depends on what
you're teaching.
you're teaching.
2.Makes the case by Teaching dance by slide show instead of
actually practicing dance moves
actually practicing dance moves
3.I agree Because it is proof that not everything can be taught the
3.With all the information out there for students whenever,
wherever, and whatever teachers have now because the
filters, and must show them how to use all of the information
that they find and which is right to use.
4. I agree with him because it is all at the click of the finger
through phones, laptops, tablets. But not all know what it is
they are doing or the appropriate way to access and use that
info. It will affect me as a teacher by causing me to reach
out and learn what I can so that I may simplify for the students.
Teaching in the 21st century
1.Robert thinks that teaching nowadays means that it's more than
just supplying the information now.
2.Ask questions think outside the box, look into all possibilities.just supplying the information now.
3.With all the information out there for students whenever,
wherever, and whatever teachers have now because the
filters, and must show them how to use all of the information
that they find and which is right to use.
4. I agree with him because it is all at the click of the finger
through phones, laptops, tablets. But not all know what it is
they are doing or the appropriate way to access and use that
info. It will affect me as a teacher by causing me to reach
out and learn what I can so that I may simplify for the students.
The networked Student
1.The networked student needs a teacher to encourage and guide.
Harness your students' digital smarts
1.Thesis is not only teaching how to use digital leverages but getting the students to be teachers as well.
2.My reaction is that she has a valid point and I believe the best way to learn is by teaching.
Who's ahead in the learning race
1.From the video is clearly shows the K-12 students are winning the race.
Flipping the classroom
1.Is flipping a classroom new to you Yes.
2.I think this approach will be useful as a teacher because it helps the students learn faster and get prepared for practicing.
Bringing the locker room into the classroom
1.What I can use in my teaching is to teach them the system as in explain from the beginning the way things work.
1.The networked student needs a teacher to encourage and guide.
Harness your students' digital smarts
1.Thesis is not only teaching how to use digital leverages but getting the students to be teachers as well.
2.My reaction is that she has a valid point and I believe the best way to learn is by teaching.
Who's ahead in the learning race
1.From the video is clearly shows the K-12 students are winning the race.
Flipping the classroom
1.Is flipping a classroom new to you Yes.
2.I think this approach will be useful as a teacher because it helps the students learn faster and get prepared for practicing.
Bringing the locker room into the classroom
1.What I can use in my teaching is to teach them the system as in explain from the beginning the way things work.
What will teaching in the 21st century be like? I believe it will be more engaging not only for the students but for the teachers. For example the "Mr. Dancealot" video has a dancing instructor teaching dance through PowerPoint. Well as a teacher you need to be able to assess that situation and see that clearly that is not the best teaching strategy for that specific curriculum.

But with so much information in the palm of the students hands there comes the question does "the networked student" even need an actual teacher? And as I have said previously, yes they do. Someone has to take this information and help the student to piece it together. Also, this "networked student" needs to be encouraged and given the resources so that they may succeed!
In the video "harness your students digital smarts" Mrs. Davis's main point is that not only should we teach the student how to use different types of technology, but also get them to teach it. This encourages students to try hard and learn hard so that they will be successful and be able to help others be successful. And I completely agree with her because this is the best way that I learn!
As far as who is ahead in the learning race, I'd have to go with the elementary students who have not even had their MacBooks but for a few days but still seem to be picking up on how to use them ever so quick. Watching their excitement towards wanting to use them and learn should inspire all of us to strive to learn more and work harder.
I had never heard of flipping the classroom until watching the video, but it is a wonderful idea to help students to get ahead and be better prepared. It also teaches them to start building some independence when it comes to doing school work which will help them so much in the future.
The article about "bringing the locker room into the classroom" really caught my attention. I've always wondered how so many sports players could live, eat, and breath everything their coaches say but could never do the same for their school teachers. The phrase "teach them the system" would be what I would use in my classroom, being sure to explain from the beginning exactly how things work.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Blog Assignment #1
Rumors, they're always spreading. Only thing is that they had to come from somewhere, right? So the question is to believe them or not? Some of these "rumors" I have heard about EDM310 is that it is towers and towers tall of busy work and that it gets very overwhelming.
Which leads me to my fears that I have towards EDM310, the biggest of these fears is that I will fall behind. I am typically wonderful at multitasking, but with the whispers of what to look forward to is causing me to worry.
Why? Because this class is like no other class I have ever taken. Typically I would get a calendar saying exactly what is due and when, but in paper form and not one that I have to constantly check to see if it's been modified. Nor am I used to having so many different links and paperwork thrown at me, that I am actually still trying to get under control.
So to sum it up I believe the most difficult thing that I will face in EDM310 will be my freak out about falling behind! I'm just going to have to breath and stay ahead of the game. Get everything done early and constantly check for updates. As far as the questions that I have, that would be none as of right now, but I am sure they will come flying out soon!
Which leads me to my fears that I have towards EDM310, the biggest of these fears is that I will fall behind. I am typically wonderful at multitasking, but with the whispers of what to look forward to is causing me to worry.
Why? Because this class is like no other class I have ever taken. Typically I would get a calendar saying exactly what is due and when, but in paper form and not one that I have to constantly check to see if it's been modified. Nor am I used to having so many different links and paperwork thrown at me, that I am actually still trying to get under control.
So to sum it up I believe the most difficult thing that I will face in EDM310 will be my freak out about falling behind! I'm just going to have to breath and stay ahead of the game. Get everything done early and constantly check for updates. As far as the questions that I have, that would be none as of right now, but I am sure they will come flying out soon!
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